Keighley: 01535 606 631
Bradford: 01274 724 529
Email enquiries:
We are the spares specialists when it comes to Cadac barbecues.
Our friendly, helpful staff can assist in diagnosing any issue with your appliance, and find a solution to the problem.
If you know which barbecue you have, and which spare you require, go back to the Cadac menu and select your barbecue from the list to browse spares.
Alternatively, if you're unsure, give us a call on 01535 606631 and we can help you find what you need.
Cadac Safari Chef 30 Spares
Cadac Grillo Chef 40 Spares
Cadac Carri Chef 50 Spares
Cadac Carri Chef 40 Spares
Cadac 2 Cook 2 Spares
Cadac 2 Cook 3 Spares
Cadac Citi Chef 40 Spares
Cadac Citi Chef 50 Spares
Cadac E-Braai Spares
Discontinued Cadac Spares
Cadac Meridian Flame Tamer (Type 2)
Cadac Meridian / Entertainer Ignition Electrode
We'll send you an email with your discount code in it.