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Calor Gas

Calor Gas

Calor Gas bottles in all types and sizes, for any application. 

The full range of Calor Gas cylinders are available to view here, however some prices are only available upon request. Please call your local branch for prices on all cylinders. 

Calor Ga LPG cylinder types include;

  • Butane (Blue)
    Used for Indoor heaters, caravans, boats and outdoor appliances during warmer weather (Butane freezes at around -4°C)
  • Propane (Red/Orange)
    Used for off-grid house central heating, cooking and heating appliances for caravan and motorhomes, space heaters, commercial cooking
  • Patio Gas (Green with Red neck)
    A type of propane gas bottle used for patio appliances, such as barbecues, patio heaters, fire pits and pizza ovens.
  • Automotive (Red/Orange with Black Neck)
    Type of propane Calor Gas bottle used for vehicles, more commonly for forklift trucks.
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